Menopause shouldn’t be a taboo, and everyone should feel they can have a conversation with their line manager, especially when they need guidance and advice. But how confident do you think a member of your team would feel to talk to you about the menopause? Research from Bupa has shown that almost a million women have left their job because of menopausal symptoms while CIPD research shows that around one in six people (17%) have considered leaving work due to a lack of support in relation to their menopause symptoms.

Often a few simple changes to the working environment can make a world of difference – even just talking about the menopause openly can reduce the impact of some symptoms and enable people to continue performing well in their roles. Line managers play a vital role in supporting colleagues with menopausal symptoms and this guide will help you to:  

  • be confident about your role in managing and supporting colleagues with menopausal symptoms  

  • understand and reduce the barriers that could potentially prevent a colleague going through the menopause transition from performing and/or developing to their full potential  

  • identify appropriate workplace changes or adjustments to support team members and help them thrive at work  

  • foster an inclusive working environment in which everyone is treated fairly. 

Please note
While we predominantly talk about women in relation to the menopause in this guidance, we also recognise that it can impact some transgender and non-binary people who will require support and flexibility relevant to their needs.

  This guide has been produced in partnership with Bupa

Helping you retain valuable talent by supporting women through menopause

What every manager needs to know about the menopause 

How can I help if someone is going through the menopause?

It’s good to talk about the menopause

Carrying out risk assessments and making appropriate adjustments

How can I manage proactively and positively if someone’s performance is affected by the menopause?

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